The identification of your Motivational gifts will empower you to fulfill God's call on your life with joy and without burning out. The church often assigns tasks to people just because they are willing even though that person is not right for the task. "MOTIVATION: Your Guide to Fitting In" is a tool for finding the right person for each ministry. The book is based upon Romans 12 which lists seven different gifts which correlate with ministries, They are called the motivational gifts because individuals with gifts are motivated to serve in their gifts. Using this book, Church leadership can identify and use spiritual gifts in selecting people to fill ministry positions.
While the Holy Spirit determines when and where these gifts are to be used, we can grow in our ability to follow the Lord through practice in manifesting all of the above gifts. In our workshops we allow the Holy Spirit to Guide us as we practice ministry to others, so when we are out in the world, we will be able to respond quickly to the Spirit's urgings.